
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sissy office survival guide 101

There are no free meals. Even less for Sissies.

Consequently Sissies must somehow provide for themselves and/or their families. Sounds logical so far. Next.

Our glorious TG sisters can testify on how challenging and illogical the world of employment really is. Even in vocally obsessed by human rights countries.

Fact is that sissies and amoeba have in reality at least one characteristic in common: -The extend of their rights.

A piece of cake. No rights, nothing to brag for, Survival is all that matters.

Coming out as a Sissy to a loving and caring spouse is already a risky undertaking. Screams, divorces, you name it. With only a small minority of well prepared commando actions that actually end in a consolidated stronger family.

Can we make analogies with office life ? No. Hell no. Office and hardcore business is actually worse, infinitely worse.

Unless of course you own the place and call the shots. And even then you could face a retard or equally retarded association suing you for immoral conduct or whatever their lawyer can come with.

Yep, it's quite a minefield out there. Your professional survival is measured in milliseconds once they find out that you came to work in a skirt.

A search for "Dale Miller skirtman" proves very educational. It took them time but finally they managed to entrap him in a strong enough for jail term set of intrigues.

No matter what, work is not a safe place for Sissies.

Stealth mode: ON

As soon as discovered a Sissy would probably fall in the category of  the lowest living form in the corporation.

There might be smiles, congratulations for the courage, sweet hugs. An acceptance party, social media coverage.

Below the sugarcoating there's another taste. The target is set and acquired.

Behind closed doors the presence of a Sissy is most often elevated to the status of unacceptable annoyance.

Be it interaction with customers, distraction of co-workers, morality, all that points to the exit is silently set in motion.

Trust: NONE

Hardcore business world is what it is: A hardcore business world.

Think twice. Comfy paychecks, cozy homes, flashy cars, branded gimmicks, all thingy yuppie.

Promotion race is all that counts, everything is for sale. Sadly enough that includes friendship.

Simply put, there are no friends in a structure where everyone competes for his/her own success.

Whatever you say, whoever you confess to can, and probably will, surface where you less expect it. Unwritten corporate codes cherish snitches.

Privacy: Full ON

Offices are fertile terrains for gossips. Anything, the most insignificant detail will grow into a messy jungle of "he said, she did" assumptions.

Big Bro feeds on personal info and often embellishes it with  creative inventions.

Big Bro is composed of a multiplicity of smaller bros.

Big Bro believes to know it all. From that zit on the back to the oil brand of one's car.

Office computers are a no-no. All is spied, recorded. Once I got in hot waters for forcibly removing a commercial RAT stealth software from my desktop. Quite a high-level stir because, happens, ratting office computers is actually highly illegal under our privacy laws. Specifically after it was established that all employees computers were ratted. And guess what, I was officially in charge of business data cyber-security. Funny, isn't it ?

That was years ago. Today we can expect even worse.

Privately owned smartphones remain private as long s there's not even the slightest bit of company related soft in them. Private is private and Bring Your Own Device policies are extremely unsafe for Sissies. Be it said.

They need to talk. They need to observe. They need details. That's how bored office employees are.

Camouflage: ON

Most Sissies are under-dressers. We need the comfort of our femininity. It's simply beyond our will. We MUST. Thanks you Fairy.

Panties and hosiery are the easiest to conceal. For the rest, a loosely cut 3 piece business suit is a Sissy's best friend.

Depending on job requirements, baggy pulls, redneck shirts, overalls can do wonders.

Check. Check and recheck. And recheck. Light conditions are tricky. They can reveal asperities that would otherwise remain invisible.

Better safe than sorry. Friendly taps in the back can be killers.

Signed a glorious contract ? Beware. Someone might instinctively hug you. Guys do that to other guys, "we scored, yupieeeee".

Accidents are potentially unwanted occurrences. Even more when medics could reveal what's under.

Not that the medics would care, they will cut their way thru camis, girdles and bras. What one wears is not really their concern.

However other witnessing colleagues will be more than happy to spread around glimpses of lace and satin.

That day Fairy warned me. Then it happened. A blasting heart attack. Yep. I was lucky on more than one count.

However I managed to dodge the bullets for over 20 years. A permanent challenge.

Probably even launched a new office attire style? With loose on the back patterned shirts & jackets, anything that would distract viewers and hide asperities beneath optical illusions.

Straps: The wider the better.

The outline of bra straps on the back is a deeply rooted social phenomenon. That is on Ladies.

And immediately spotted as abnormal on men. Because men are not supposed to do such things.

A terrible give-away for Sissies. Probably the number one of all.

Worn without maximal caution bra straps are a permanent menace in office environments.

On several occasions they got me almost spotted. Triggering a quick diversion to the lavatory for immediate removal.

Funny how the spotter's preying eyes searched for clues the rest of the day. Obviously found none. Even the days after. Eventually deception took over and I could resume.

Type color and size matter.

This otherwise nice supportive classic has all potentially unwanted features.

Color should be close to skin tone. No jokes, under certain light conditions, white actually glows.

All strap adjustment hardware is at the back. A very hard to camouflage area indeed.

The rather structured construction creates and enhances the typical bra outline. An instinctively recognizable shape by both males and females.

Excellent illustration of what VBL or visible bra lines stands for.

Unless properly sized, even smooth, also dubbed invisible (ahem, ...) bras can create a perfectly perceivable outline. Good luck hiding it.

Surprisingly designs with more coverage, AKA longline bras are easier to conceal. Front closing is a plus.

Seemless shapeware can be used as additional layer to conceal bras.

At most it would appear as an undershirt, something men wear quite often indeed.

Last but not least. Straps can slide and often do so. Quite a nuisance is spotted while sorting them out back in place.

I got away with wearing bras at office for decades. Surely my Fairy has had creative moments in distracting preying eyes away from me. Fairies are awesome.

However I also practiced at home. What goes with what ?

A set of mirrors, light-spots from the ceiling but also from the side. It's all a game of light. The way it reveals, amplifies or dissolves the offending VBL's.

Yes. Being a Sissy is quite an endeavor.

All-In-One girdles, bodies, shapewear: Office safe !

Models with closures and strap adjustment on the front side are surprisingly very easy to conceal. Or comparatively easy with respect to bras.

Most models, even if left visible, would not trigger much steer. Simply because no one remembers times where ladies wore them for good and their perception has faded.

Their outlines would most probably be perceived as an undershirt of tee. However taking chances with luck is not really recommended.

A hoodie, thick regular pattern shirt, jacket can conceal even heavy gauge properly made firm foundations.

They are out of scope, forgotten, unknown to most.

Perfect Sissy values, they stay anchored on the body, won't budge, straps and hosiery, will remain in place no matter what.

A constant reminder of Sissyhood, sweet inner secrets, permanent Fairy embrace, all-in-one's are an absolute must for office Sissies.

Bathroom duties require careful planning, especially if wearing pantyhose underneath. Urinals are out of topic.

Several of them worn in alternance and properly cared of will last years and become essential life changing wardrobe values.

Camis, slips: Slippery slope!

Safely forget spaghetti straps. They show even thru thick clothes and are easy to recognize by all.

Thin fabric wide straps camis might seem safe at first. However beware, they are made so let dresses and blouses slip on them.

Which is what will occur with most if not all men's shirts.

They will tend to slip at waist level and, if left unattended, even dislodge from underneath the trousers, revealing their presence.

Form fitting spandex or elastic undershirts are less slippery and will remain longer in place without adjustment.

Lacy airy silky camis are lovely. Absolutely feminine. Adorable. But tricky.

Life savers under itchy pulls, requiring constant surveillance under buttoned shirts or anything where lace trims on the loose might cause trouble.

They keep warm. Even the thin ones. Comfy in winter, the good ones will not cause discomfort in summer.

Camis are items where quality matters.

Good ones are still available, time to consider while the offering lasts.

Experience shows that for obvious reasons longer full-slips are absolutely impractical with trousers.

Even more, attempts to stuff the skirt portion will achieve a very unusual bulging and probably damage the undergarment in the process.

Some models of hip-hugging power-slips can be worn and remain stealthy with rather low-crotch trousers.

Once again it's all a matter of check, rehearse and re-check.

Hosiery: Beware of garter tabs !

Stay-ups are out of the game. They will not stay that up and the compression band is distinctively perceived under most pants.

Pantyhose is de facto the hosiery of choice for office Sissies. Properly sized and worn under a panty-girdle or closed-bottom all-in-one, they will stay securely anchored no matter what.

Longer trousers and opaque socks complete the concealment. However beware, socks trend to slip down on nylon and can become troublesome.

Garter tabs are dreadly giveaways under most styles of pants. However there is a cure.

Most long-leg all-in-ones or panty-girdles have concealed garter tabs.

A blessing since nothing compares to the tug of garters at each step.

Open-bottom all-in-ones and girdles are engineered to benefit from the downward pull of stockings.

Worn without their anchors, they will fit poorly and ride-up.

A no-no experience in an office environment.

Taking-off a girdle requires a lengthy bathroom trip and the un-worn item needs to be concealed on the way back. Boned girdles are not easy to stuff in a pocket. Just saying.

However be it said: Support hosiery feels great and can seriously improve leg related health issues. Worth trying.

No kidding.

Corsets: No-no !

Office life is cruel to Sissies. We know that already.

However it's way more cruel for corset loving Sissies. Which ls what most of us are.

It is possible to conceal a properly fitted tightly laced fully boned corset.

However it's effects on posture and walking will show. It will also impair freedom of movement.

Wasn't the old saying, boots first, corset after ?

Rare occasions such as long lonely car trips are about the only opportunities office life reserves for corseted Sissies.

Boobs: The easy part.

Bra cups can accentuate boobs. That's what they're made for. Even minimizer bras will attempt to preserve a somehow acceptable bust-line.

Not that much of a problem. Booby are easy to conceal. Any saggy shirt and proper position will do.

Main reason is that no one expects a man to have breasts and, even if so, few care as long as bra-lines remain concealed. And male clothes lack the distinctive breast-enhancing features.

Obviously bullet-bras and other pointy Doereen's will have to stay home. No one notices bluntly shaped spheres.

Most support body-suits and all-in-ones would do as long as one does not perk around.

Plain seamless cups without lavish decoration will get away.

In other cases, a spandex cami will smooth things down.

Boobs are an essential self accomplishment factor. Even if hidden they are part of our most inner self.

Bras, cups, all things related are cherished perceptions of our status.

Feeling their presence all day long is an equal to none satisfaction.

Even if concealed under layers of fabric, they're ours.

Panties, panty-girdles: Sky's the limit.

By far the easiest to conceal.

Almost anything that won't slide down will do. The tighter, the better.

The tighter....

I had a discussion on the impact of tight panty-girdles on testosterone reduction, here.

Sissies have no use of testosterone. The tighter, the better.

The best possible tightness being achieved by a firm support all-in-one panty girdle with tightly pulled shoulder straps.

A note of warning: -Ladies look more than often the crotch area. And can be very good at guessing what's there.

Tight panty-girdles erase all expression of maleness. Some will notice, so tight pants should be somehow avoided.

Toys, chastity: At will.

Ubiquitous question, toys. Yes or not ?

Equally ubiquitous answer, it's very individual. Prior extensive training is compulsory.

A tight girdle will prevent potentially unwanted toy expulsions and a proper hygiene limit the mess.

However. Have a set of plastic bags always ready. In case that toy just has to come out and safe storage is required.

A properly fit chastity is not that much of an issue. As with toys, prior training is a must.

Nipple toys are basically the same ball game. Most tiny clamps will go unnoticed under a properly concealed bra.

Scratch itchy pads over the nipples are a delight, permanent stimulation even at otherwise deadly boring times.

Vibrating toys are noisy. Their sound is sufficiently typical and will go noticed in calm spaces.

Remotely controlled ones pose another threat should refuse to stop when needed.

Last but not least. Panty-liners. A must in an environment where showers are not readily available.

Better be safe than sorry, spontaneous orgasms do exist. Even in chastity.

Is it worth the trouble? : Your mileage might vary.

I couldn't take it more than about 25 or so years. The endless concealment wore me out thin.

Left it all and embraced a self-employed status.

Home office is much safer on all counts.

Yes it was rewarding. And troublesome. And nerve-wrecking.

An office Sissy is not an easy endeavor.

Would have loved to transition. However that didn't happen for various reasons.

Such is my only regret.

I love you, I love you all !

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