
Monday, August 21, 2017

The mystery of cross-dressing

There could be more than 2 millions and 250'000 of male to female crossdressers in the USA and UK respectively. No one knows for real, these are only cafeteria talks in the psychology trade.

Anyhow, however inexact statistics might be, male to female crossdressing is quite a widespread phenomenon.

Claims are that 20 times more males cross-dress to females than females to males.

Therefore it can be expected that, with such a considerable sample, exact and humanitarian sciences should already know all about it.

Wrong. Actually, dead wrong.

Psychology and psychiatry

Those are the guys who endlessly compile, edit and sell evaluation tests for job candidates, serve as court experts and generally trouser heavy cash for their various services.

So what do all these experts know on crossdressing ? Bottom line, nothing except that it exists and remains “incurable” no matter electroshock's, aversion therapies, barely legal drugs, guilt cultivation, hypnosis, brainwashing, seclusion and other things nice commonly used by the trade.
Child psychiatrist. Where imaginary friends come to die.

Specialized papers will attempt to link crossdressing to childhood, traumas of any kind, hormonal imbalance, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other potentially disabling depressions.

Then, dilute whatever little knowledge they really have in descriptions of several supposed types of crossdressing, name the whole concoction “Transvestic Disorder”, spice it with fetishistic morbidity and throw the resulting stuff in the conclusions.

Reading these “scientific” publications is actually quite entertaining.

An entire herd of experts curing a disease that they can't even prove to be a disease...

How cool is that ?

The gurus of the holly church of all shapes and sizes

Condensed form: -Get rid of your satanic crossdressing or burn in hell.
Ministry of propaganda black and white stern wall sign.
Too bad we're not anymore allowed to put you on a stake and chant like retards while you burn, we sure miss these times.

Society, friends, colleagues, family members, partners, wifes

Generally assume an outraged or belligerent attitude, exceptions being few and far apart.

Then knowledgeably blame it on just about anything, including contraceptive pills residues in the sewage system, radioactive bananas, omnipotence of global warming, gasoline vapors and bat guano.

Wifes might, after talking with their best very concerned friends, call lawyers and file divorces with humongous collateral financial claims.

So, what now ?

The mystery of crossdressing remains with as many hypothesis as participants in the discussion.

Time to relax and enjoy the victory. No matter what and where, the secrets and powers of those illuminated by the source of pink light will not be revealed.
Feminea Aeterna logo over layers of petticoats.

With sufficient conviction any man can wax his body-hair, apply makeup, use a wig, don lingerie and slip into a nice dress and heels.

However without that soft inner voice, he'll be exactly what he is: -A man in female attire.

The origins of crossdressing are far deeper than what humanity is prepared to understand...

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