
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Diet, how to easily control hunger life-hack.

So there we are Honeys, New-Year party on the horizon. With all things nice to chow, loaf, devour.

Next day is another story. Gazillion of excess calories, stretched seams, busted girdles.

Yep, it all tasted so good after all. And we had so much, too much of it. Was it necessary ? Ask your dietitian, hear what he has to say.

So what would it be for the weeks to come ?

Plenty of good resolutions and empty fridges ?

Can't have it all Girls, so here comes a lifehack.

Lull down your hunger with an easy trick.

Yep, I wrote on tampons and their side effects, better read it, here.

My experience shows that there's a sort of feedback between the place occupied by a tampon in the rectum and hunger.

On those days (mind, I'm a Sissy), when I wear a tampon, I feel much less hungry and consecutively eat less. Satiety comes very quickly, no need to just chow and swallow.

I easily loose 1kg in a few days, can never finish a full dish.

Intuitively, the body must realize that it can not intake food when the output is already occupied.

Bingo. We just came from one of those pre-New-Year junkets and guess, I had absolutely no urge to abuse the otherwise fantastic buffet. Nope Honeys, not even tempted.

My secret story, I had purchased a box of very capable (think expansion as they pick humidity) tampons and wore one of them for the circumstance.

So here I am. A nice mug of coffee with the usual soy-milk, cozy, at ease, no acid gasses, feeling light and comfy.

I love you, I love you all !


  1. i love using tampons.. they are real fem thing. i lube it with my arousal, every month 13-16 is my period..

    1. In Fact Honey, such an intimate level in our quest for feminization. Scented warm hugs !
