
Friday, September 14, 2018

Why the hell it all has to come from India ?

Is scamming that deeply rooted in the actual cultural swamp of India ? Why the hell all phone scams have to come from there ?

Sadly, yes, scam call centers are now the national signature industry of India. No need to spread the word, they take care of business 24/7 .

So far I have been contacted by countless so called technical support centers. Fake technical and fake support that is.

Finally they stopped. Probably the suicide rate of depressive employees turned alarming and they put my number in the do not call list.

If that's how they learn, suits me fine.

Then came the car insurance and assistance wave. Same player shoot again, they quit.

They even attempted fake IRS calls. Great fun ensued. Yep, someone forgot to modify their script and tell them that IRS is not relevant on the old continent.

However today I have new, fresh practice targets.

Happens I appeared in a Guru's vision and qualify for the right to receive special blessings (WTF ?) and consequently offer Shiva (or another one, they have plenty of them in stock) two 200 $ I-Tunes gift cards. What a vision, that guy has even seen my phone number !


Great fun ensued. That guy's blowout was really something. However I don't have time for that much of phone fun.

One or two per week is OK, then it becomes boring.

Hey India, wake up already ! Your lethargy to regulate illicit activities gives the country a real bad name. If this is what your're after, then, OK. It's your country, your shithole.

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