
Saturday, September 29, 2018

The lonely Latina.

By all evidence she was fighting the absolutely obnoxious hotel WIFI registration portal and was not wining the battle.

Lovely evening at an almost desert business hotel terrace. No chance, I won't let a proxy spoil it.

Firing up my secondary wifi.

"Good evening Madam, I presume you're having trouble with the hotel internet connection ?"

Sharp eyes turn in my direction. "Yes indeed !"

"Would you please consider the now available network named SISSY, password sissy, I just set it up for your convenience."

Sharper eyes. "Why should I ? You want to hack my privacy or what ?"

"Not really Madam, I just try to be of help. Your privacy is none of my concerns and this besides, I wouldn't learn significantly more than what I already know. It's up to you."

Lighting a smoke, minding my business.

Notes of irritation in her voice: "And what do you believe to know on me ?"

The situation just got tense. Would she throw her drink on me ? Better safe than sorry. Latinas are temperamental. Closing the lid of my laptop.

"Are you really interested ?"

"I wouldn't ask is I was not."

"Two conditions. First, you won't blame me. Second, don't throw anything around."

"You put quite a game, let't see where this goes as long as you remain respectful."

"Then we have a deal. Could I move to your table ?"

A lovely happy girl under the sun. Generous on all counts.  Baby bearing and feeding attributes to the highest standards.

Church bells, happy union.

Years passed, kids grew, routine. All said and done. Interweb on one side, sport news on the other.

Ears ringing with emptiness. Until after the late night news when on occasion she was taken. Often without much conviction.

Exit the long hair. Too complex to to manage. The taught. That taught, why, why do I need them? Aren't they too visible? Saggy ?

Tight jeans. Form fitting tops. Organic diet. Boredom. Genuine boredom.

Obsessive gym workouts and professional ascent.

Dynamic executives don't need heels, fragrances and projection bras. They are the image of the company. Sleek, nimble, hastily running on flats between meetings on a tight schedule.

Ultra-slim laptop in one hand, two cellphones in the other. Brands matter. Office. Home office. More office. Office on the go. Babysitter on speed dial.

Botox needles and spandex undershirts. Designer glasses. Designer pen. Designer flats. Designer bag. Designer emptiness?

Email the babysitter ? How silly. Kids have grown. When did it happen so fast ?

Not tonight darling, I have an important meeting first hour in the morning. Power point presentations on one side, late news on the other. Separate bedrooms. Sleeping pills. Vitamins.

Hey. what's that ? The new one looks so cute and fresh in her above-the-knee dress. No, that just can't be.

Her thighs must be so smooth. Deliciously smooth. Her mouth...

What if ? If what ? Must be tired. It'll all fade away. Tomorrow is another day.

How does it feel to take someone? Hold her tight... Grab her. Feel her soft warm body. Take her deep with wild passion.

"Who on earth are you ?" Was she irritated ?

"Just someone you'll never meet again. Please remember our deal, no throwing things around."

Nervously fidgeting with the case of her glasses. "Are you a psychic of sorts, what's the story, where's the trick ?"

"No Ma'am. None of  that. No tricks either. I'm just a Sissy."

" Explain 'Sissy' ?"

Ordered more coffees. She remained silent. Her makeup called for urgent repairs.

"And that Fairy of yours actually talks to you ?"

"Yes Ma'am. She sure does."

"And what does she say ?"

"That there are ways to satisfy your raising curiosity without being unfaithful to your husband even if it takes quite a setup and efforts for you two to get there."

"There's no curiosity."

"Not even in the way you look at the cute waitress ?"

"You're so evil. I'd better go."

"Good evening then, pleasure was mine. One last favor please. Coffees are on me."

She didn't say a word. Grabbed her belongings and swiftly moved out of sight.

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