
Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Social media kingpins: -Is it all about deception?

The cool thing about social media is that no one reads. Flashy pictures is all it takes.

That is, no one reads between the lines. Nor seeks real content. Flashy pictures is all it takes.

Hey, I'm not putting this up.

A well made affidavit on how it really all really works.

Ok, those got caught, tough luck for them I'll say.

Yep, 10 cases out of the gazillion of interweb garbage suppliers. What to conclude ?

Quite simple. Post garbage if you want if you want garbage page-views.

So ?!

Hey Girls, I'm more than happy with my abyssal visit statistics.

I don't write for the numbers. I write for you indeed.

Share my happiness of a life under the spell of a Sissy Fairy. Write on little, insignificant for the masses joys.

Say thank you Fairy. You're awesome.

Like, yesterday afternoon when you Fairy dear screamed "Full brakes NOW !"

Just fraction of a second before that speeding van cut my way at the intersection.

Thank you Fairy. You're really awesome.

I love you, I love you all !

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