
Monday, September 3, 2018

Officially intolerant !

Dear Sisters, next time you don that dress, click away on your heels, next time you're about to "go out", feel femme and be yourself, hold short for a moment.

Have a taught for the Sisters in officially Sissy intolerant places.

Such hellholes exist and perpetrate the practice of sentencing effeminate males to endless jail terms or even more mercifully, chop off their heads.

No need to disclose that this picture is heavily doctored.

Just about anyone will instinctively conclude that it's a fake. Instinctively.

That's about how deep intolerance has made it's way in public conscience.

If it happens, then it must be fake because such things can not happen. Socially acceptable predicate.

Well, sadly yes. No one cares. No one cares to care that there are also Sissies there.

Poor souls forced to live a nightmare of loneliness. Sisters who can not dare to confess their inner secrets, not even to their wives.

Yep. Next time, have a tender taught for those who risk their lifes if spotted in a dress.

I love you, I love you all ! 

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