
Sunday, September 2, 2018

Quit judging closet Sissies already !

Why several if not most of CD/TG social media posts focus on Ladies with perfect plastics and breathtaking outfits?

What is the rationale of such exhibitions?

Shouldn't CD/TG people post their own stuff?

Screeching halt. There's a reason.

Identical to the case of automobile fanatics for example posting media on Veyrons, Lambos and other Zondas while in reality their budget crawls in the realm of a second hand scooter.

First comes the fascination. Then reality takes over. A merciless grip indeed.

Two major constraints.
If I could this is what I would.

The "if" is of cardinal importance. Two tiny letters with an immense psychological payload.

Even more so when the target fascination results from a Fairy's curse, deeply engraved beyond the reach of any treatment or cure known to this day.

Cognitive dissonance can kill. And sadly, it often does.

Many Sisters have committed suicide. Their only escape from intolerance.

Fairies have are not concerned by one's plastic. Nope. That tiny-skinny guy might be more macho than letters can spell while the big bear like creature strong enough to snap lug nuts with 2 fingers might wear a full set of lingerie under his overall.

So what gives?

Worldwide, the ratio of successful TG transitions to closet girls might be as huge as 1 to 100'000. Or even bigger. In fact no one really knows for sure.

And here's how it goes. Closet Sisters need to scream. Scream their inescapable femininity. The one they can never fully achieve no matter how or what.

The ones saying, "look folks, this is what I really am, this what my Fairy sees in me."

That's how closet TV/TG's express their status on social media. By posting iconic representations of what their souls deeply envision.

I love you, I love you all !

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