
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Fake medicines, toxic hormones, internet has no limits !

"Bigga titta ? Ye we are having it special offer, let me tell you only 129.99$, what is your credit card number ?"

All said with the usual deep Hindi or, depends on the call center crew shift at that moment, Filipino accent.

Time to end the call. No jokes, really. Fake hormones and drugs are all over interweb.

Chances that you will receive something, save huge credit card bills, are almost non-existent.

However if by some unclear to science miracle you do, despite the watchful eye of the customs, then, Girl, you're deep in trouble.

Just how deep ? About 6 feet. Under the ground that is.

Don't open the container unless you have a thing for sugar coated dried car polish balls or whatever available in the trash container of a Kolkata generic medication factory.

So what gives ? Medically assisted hormonal treatments are a complex and very serious matter.

Definitely not something you'll do over the phone with the help of a call center operator with a 3 hours drugs selling training. Stay away from that.

DIY breasts growing is possible. With the help of your Fairy, soy milk and specifically selected bras. Here's how. It might be a slow process but at least it'll not hurt you.

Right. I have nothing to sell of promote.

I love you, I love you all. Be happy, fill your shirts !

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