
Monday, March 5, 2018

Beyond forced feminization

Vintage panties, girdles, baby-doll drying.
Forced feminization. Interweb is full of it.

Stories, kind of  "My sister coerced me in a dress", "as punishment mom forced frilly panties on me".

Ad nauseum.

Is there a pattern ? Sure ! Let's dig into it.

Why would a male dream to be forced into feminine attire ? Write stories about it ? Seek for forced feminization experiences ?

Say it again: -"I want to be forced."

Hold about. Expressing a desire to be forced into something. Now that's quite a construction, isn't it ?

Well not that much if we examine the situation under the light of the cognitive dissonance theory.

Which essentially states that the actions of a human brain would seek to decrease the contradictions in information and knowledge gathering process.

In other words, let's assume that I somehow feel irresistibly attracted by a lacy camisole.

Problem number one, I don't know why. Problem number two, I have to acquire this missing information on what can be so different between my T-shirt and that intriguing lacy item.

A net contradiction between what I know and what I don't.

Which can be alleviated if I actually don the lacy camisole and gather first-hand information on how it feels.

Or, if I don't have access to such a cami, gather all possible data and attempt to deduce what those wearing camis experience in the process.

This will be sufficient for a while until, without any further explanation, I would want to experience what other's report to understand why the entire topic turns into a fascination.

Problem number three arises when, once clad in a lacy cami, I discover that it feels good and right without any further objective explanation.

To which problem number four, those things are made for women, opposes it's social weight.

A new state of dissonance between my information fragments.

First, I have no idea on why a cami, or as a matter of fact, any woman's attire, feels so good.

Then I realize that purpose matters. A man's t-shirt made of the same materials would not fill the gap, therefore I'm not even interested to acquire one.

I also know that as a man I'm not supposed to wear feminine things.

My mind is in trouble. It will seek to eliminate contradictions and acquire pleasant experiences despite the fact that I'm not socially supposed to do that.

But what if another stronger in some sense person imposes her/his will to dress me in a lace cami, even further, to complete the entire experience despite my own contradictions ?

Screeching halt.

You don't need to seek a dominant person to dress you up and force you to be what you carve, a woman.

Simply because such an overpowering soul has already found you. Big time indeed.

Meet your Fairy. The missing link in your information chain of contradictions.

No matter whips, leather straps and other gadgets, no one but a Fairy can turn a man into a Sissy.

A sissy is not a man in a dress forced to act as a woman. No siree, putting panties on a man and/or raping the hell out of him is not the same as the genuine carve for knowledge that brought you to this article.

Because that's what you are. A Sissy. A Sissy in deep need for self-acceptance. A Sissy under an irremovable spell. The spell to be a Sissy.

Self acceptance goes beyond coercion.

Cultivate the relationship with your Fairy, she's the one who gifted you with such a priceless present.

Accept her, open your soul, welcome her attention. For even if you don't she'll never let loose. All your resistance can achieve is a miserable life of refusal, hiding and meeting unknown gentlemen in public commodities.

Vintage white seethru princess nightgown work over black lingerie and stockings.
You are under a spell. A spell so powerful that no known at the time of writing process or science can remove.

Accept it as the most beautiful state of mind and proceed to cultivate it further.

All chunks of information will uniformly match and your reactions, wearing female attire and acting accordingly, won't generate further cognitive dissonance.

Serenity and peace of mind.

Then ? Sky's the limit.

Yes, at this stage you can play power transfer games. Be the slutty girl of a domina if you wish.

The difference being that now, once you have fully accepted your Sissy reality, your experience will be constructive and fulfilling instead of a spiraling quest for reasons.

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