Two main organized groups have elected themselves as cross-dressing gatekeepers:
- Religions and holly churches of all shapes and sizes
- Head-shrinks, psychiatry and affiliates
Religious gurus and holly churches of all shapes and sizes
Are the leading official suppliers of paranormal activities. Their main product line includes various gods, saints and an extended gamut of related practices.Subscribing enrolled followers being the primary sources of revenue.
That's a big crowdfunded business with it's own set of strict corporate rules. How big ? Just count the number of outlets and franchises they manage all over the world. This is actually the only business I know of that has it's own officially recognized state, the Vatican.
No other company can pride itself with customer meetings as massive as religious faith promotional junkets do. Tens of millions at Kumbh Mela's, more than a million for Hajj, about the same in Vatican events.
Sanctity of the difference between men and women is a recurring corporate rule universally enforced by quasi all faith related executives with Hinduism allowing minor exceptions for some casts.
Sanctity is a very relevant keyword. Differences are nor primarily physiological, they are holly.
Despite putting all on a spiritual level, most religions of all shapes and sizes are historically unsure on whether women have a soul...
Catholic executives have deployed considerable energy in erasing their policies (concise explanation here), while muslim management does not even bother (WARNING: viewer discretion strongly advised) to conceal the consequences.
Why religion corporations are so scared from womanhood and subsequently actively prohibit males from having direct access to womanliness ?
To what, potentially business damaging to official paranormal merchandising corporations, secrets could a cross-dressing man gain access ?
Head-shrinks, psychiatry and affiliates
Operate on a business model based on curing an organ of which they know almost nothing.“What’s a cure?…it’s just that it’s a term that we don’t use in the medical [psychiatric] profession.”Common phenomena such as dreams, creative thinking (or even just thinking), cognitive process and, simply the "soul" are black-boxes even after gazillions of $ thrown in studies.
—Dr. Joseph Johnson, California psychiatrist during court deposition, 2003
Despite the fact that not a single patient was ever cured, psychiatry scams society by advertising itself as science at all levels.
Their business model to cross-dressing is manifold.
The basic layer elaborates on religion supported dogma that cross-dressing is highly immoral, therefore instead of being sinners, which is non-scientific, those affected need medical treatment. Whether they want it or not...
Mr. Alan Turing, the genial mathematician who won the second world war by breaking secret cryptography (Enigma) codes used by Germany, was treated for homosexuality. Rumors are that he also liked to wear dresses...
History has it that he committed suicide although this hypothesis is subject to controversy.
Fact is that the 42 old genius, father of modern computing, was pronounced dead while following an imposed by law therapy.
According to the psychiatric corporation rules, men who for whatever reason happen to wear woman's clothes become transvestitic disorder patients with an entire ramification of clinical classifications.
The gamut of treatments sold is pretty wide, including aversion therapy by electric shocks, seclusion, hypnosis, guilt cultivation with subsequent management, analysis and so on. Neither of which works.
Given the total lack of results despite thousands of tortured persons, the corporation has even attempted a new "softer" marketing communication strategy.
Transvestism became cross-dressing and treatments now target self-acceptance and depression issues. With equally inefficient results.
Corporate lobbyists have even massively infiltrated cross-dressing support groups and actively advertise their services thru this channel.
Acceptance of cross-dressers would seriously drain the customer tank and is never openly boarded by the trade.
Psychiatry business model will be profitable as long as, although as the concept is slightly softened, cross-dressing men would be treated as patients.
Why is the topic of women wearing male clothes swiftly avoided by the corporation ?
Are there objective reasons of this dissymmetry ?
Happens that, yes. It would damage the psychology and psychiatry business models.
Women have won their right to wear pants while men still stutter in the dress department.
What would happen if, invoking symmetry, psychiatrists came to consider any masculine looking woman in trousers as a patient in need of treatment ?
A very vocal protest at all levels. Which would unavoidably open a sizeable breach in the transvestitic treatment business model.
Psychiatrists are also sworn enemies of inner voices, alter-egos and just about anything that can relief stress or bring mental improvement other than their business.
A man who finds alleviation and soothing peace of mind by wearing a slip is one less depressive patient in their bookkeeping,
Why is the topic of women wearing male clothes swiftly avoided by the corporation ?
Are there objective reasons of this dissymmetry ?
Happens that, yes. It would damage the psychology and psychiatry business models.
Women have won their right to wear pants while men still stutter in the dress department.
What would happen if, invoking symmetry, psychiatrists came to consider any masculine looking woman in trousers as a patient in need of treatment ?
A very vocal protest at all levels. Which would unavoidably open a sizeable breach in the transvestitic treatment business model.
Psychiatrists are also sworn enemies of inner voices, alter-egos and just about anything that can relief stress or bring mental improvement other than their business.
A man who finds alleviation and soothing peace of mind by wearing a slip is one less depressive patient in their bookkeeping,
The exact processes that underlie auditory hallucinations remain largely unknown.Consecutively, the objectivity of declaring psychotic a man who hears the inner voice of his femininity, remains equally largely unknown...
--Dr. Flavie Waters, PhD, Psychiatric Times, March 2010
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