
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Quantum physics, parallel worlds, fairies and sissy cross-dressers

Head-shrinks (aka therapists) identify two major cross-dressing fashion style groups and provide scientific explanation to none.

Those wearing modern dramatically revealing outfits and the others digging deeper in vintage sources of inspiration.

Curiously both are explained by putative early childhood impressions of female imagery.

Such could be the case of "vintage girls" in their forties reenacting deep memories.

Fifties petticoat dress.
However this assumption does not apply to younger individuals longing for vintage female attire. The probability of them being exposed to clothing items phased out decades prior their birth is quasi null.

Older men systematically opting for up do date nonexistent in their childhood fashion trends are another exception.

The cardinal rule is that cross-dressers will attempt to maximize their femininity either by complex and demanding apparel from the past or as a reflection of their exposed status thru minimalist coverage outfits.

Is this time paradox just another failure to understand the essence of cross-dressing ? After all genetics have been equally unable to provide a plausible explanation.

Will cross-dressing be officially recognized as one of the top unexplained by science mysteries ?

Well... I should know. After all I am also cross-dresser, the vintage variety and closet kind. Blessed with a very communicative inner voice Fairy.

Cross-dressers are connected with a feminine soul from one of the parallel to our worlds.

Parallel worlds. Isn't that a pretty bold statement ? Welllllll.....

My Fairy (inner voice) claims it over the past thirty or so years.

Coincidentally happens that science understands quantum physics better each passing day.

How this leads to that is outside of my scientific abilities so you better ask Prof. Wiseman and co. from the Griffiths University and the University of California.

They are passionate parallel universes theoreticians.
Professor Wiseman and his colleagues propose that:
  • The universe we experience is just one of a gigantic number of worlds. Some are almost identical to ours while most are very different;
  • All of these worlds are equally real, exist continuously through time, and possess precisely defined properties;
  • All quantum phenomena arise from a universal force of repulsion between 'nearby' (i.e. similar) worlds which tends to make them more dissimilar.
Now what ?

The kind of sissy that you are depends on the world from where your Fairy has set her eye on you.

How and why this happens is another story. Stay tuned for more ;)

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