
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Boob Donors: -Breast tissue transplant ?

Be informed:
This post mentions potentially graphic medical practices.

Countless breast reductions are performed each year. I am not a medical doctor yet I presume that the removed excess of healthy breast tissues is somehow disposed of.

Big natural breasts
A dream for many, big overwhelming natural breasts.
On the other hand, we, "Sissies" carve for the exact opposite, breast augmentation, silicone implants.
What if ? Yes, what if someone came with a healthy viable system for transplanting breast tissues ?
Real breasts instead of plastic bags ? Wouldn't that be utterly nice and reassuring ?

Is it even possible ?

Unfortunately I have no idea other that in some cases breast reconstruction with patient's own tissues is practiced.

For now it's all just a wishful thinking. If you happen to have information on the topic, please share it in the comments section.

I love you, I love you all !


  1. sweet idea when will it be a reality
    first a dream then a operation

    1. Oh Honey, there are lots of questions both technical and ethical to answer in the process. One day maybe...Let's hope for the best;)

      I love you, I love you all !
