
Tuesday, March 5, 2019

One dress, too many questions.

Let's envision you are offered this delicious dress to die for. Yes indeed, just take a good look at it. No hurry, observe. Three's that much to it.

Still happy ? Let me help you with that.

What style of hair goes with it ? The actual rather short minimalista-feminista fashion or something more substantial, at least as elaborate as the dress itself ?

Shoes next. They would have to be fine and precariously heeled. Not blatant high pumps nor the sturdy ones you are used to move on.

Braless won't do. Same as love handles, all has to go, this one relies on the contrast between petticoat supported skirt portion and tiny waist and smooth plastron. A situation potentially out of reach of even the most talented Spandex saleslady.

Enter the longline strapless bra, an article most ladies have experienced only on their wedding day. And long forgotten about since then.

Hosiery might be a big problem for bathroom duties. Adjusting a pantyhose in the promiscuity of a tiny, potentially contaminated space while wearing at least two layers of starched petties and balancing all on heels, how cool is that ?

Stay-ups ? Those that stay put until slowly making their way down at the most embarrassing moment?

A matching girdle and stockings would be so much easier and tranquilizing. Sure, but what's a girdle ?

How are you about to get inside without external help ? Hint, it takes quite some practice. Starting with the longline bra already.

Are you used to move in all that ? Petticoat management ? Yes, you need a pochette to carry your smartphone,  keep your hands busy and attractive. Ouch, we just forgot the long nails and manicure chapter.

Could you fit in a hybrid subcompact soapbox inspired transportation without pinching half of your skirt in the equally subcompact doors ?

What gives ? Just too much for about 99% of actual women. No kidding.

Observe the catastrophic displays at about any social or dressy event. The incomplete approach to the outfit, lack of practice and know how are just too much of eye-sores to bear.

So what's your choice now ? Acquire what it takes, invest hours, days of practice, gather knowledge ? Or ?

Hint, 99% of ladies would simply throw the demanding dress in the fireplace. Exactly where they threw glamour and irresistible charming delicate femininity decades ago.

What a shame...

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