
Monday, February 4, 2019

Nightgowns SOS ! The full extend of bio-cotton misery.

Monday shopping. Needed be it a tiny bit of comfort after a dull frisky weekend. That's how thigs are meant to be or ?

Hey, what about a new nightgown ? Haven't got one of them to discover for what seems centuries. Let's go spending at the local rather classy department store.

How could she help ? Yes, indeed, I'm after a nightgown.

Sure they are plenty of them to choose from, happy to oblige. Sounds promising.

Erm... Where exactly are the nightgowns please ? 

Right here, two steps to the right.

Ouch. Now that hurts. 

Long affordable feminine classy blue polyesther nightgown.
R.I.P. classy affordable feminine nightgowns...
I mean, nightgowns, like the one I have here on my phone, you know, nightgowns ? I mean just nightgowns ...

Oh I see, this kind of nightgowns ? So sorry, we don't carry unhealthy synthetic items.

Just how unhealthy are they ? 

Too much to even speak about, synthetics cause death, destruction and more death, zillions of deaths.

I see, could she prompt me of where are the mountains of lifeless killed by synthetics bodies so I can take a detour and not inadvertently crash into them on my way back ?

No, I'm not being gross or cynical just asking since she seems to expert on the subject. Sorry to disturb, thanks, have a nice day.

Bio cotton nightie nightdown nghtdress.
Overpriced horrible bio cotton would be nighties.
No but thanks for asking,  I'll rather think twice before spending the price of a full featured high-end smartphone on a bio-cotton mop, sorry, my bad, nightgown.

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