
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Why is sex a shameful taboo? Or the secret business model of religion.

Definitely not for the survival of our species. Animals, even those very close to us, do very well in total abstraction of societal puritanism.

Maybe in long forgotten past eras, criminalization of sex could have served it's purpose as a defense against widespread of rapes and potentially damageable STD's ?

One thing's for sure, the church and it's corporate affiliates invested considerable efforts to turn the deal into a comprehensive set of reprehensible temptations.

Churches of all shapes and sizes are business corporations centered on an ethereal product. Their financial wellness depends, alike today's showbiz, in precisely the business aspects of the show.

Studios send metric tons of cease and desist letters to copyright infringers, churches threaten with hell.

Each and every way, both systems rely on customers willing to pay the price for the show.

However church merchandising reaches further as their customers are offered the opportunity to become captive fanaticized participants to the show.


Quite some advantage given the fact that the show never really changes and after seeing the same movie for a few hundred years, patrons might just as well walk out of the theater.

Fanaticism becomes a highly sought after customer characteristic in this context. After all only true fanatics keep watching the same movie over and over again.

Keeping the fan[atic]s captive is achieved by an array of cleverly designed interconnected rules.

Winning a VIP pass to the super-star's headquarters is not a simple deal. Losers will be permanently excluded from the after-show party.

Like in most viral night-clubs, paying the price is not a sufficient condition. One has to be really willing to pay and prove it's commitment to the bouncers.

Yep. An overall failsafe system.

Resisting to the appeal of irresistible feminine charms. Now, that's quite a challenge !

Temptresses all over, only the brave ones will turn their eyes away to admire the landscape.

Alright, one fixed, one to go.

What if disillusioned estrogen crazed temptresses decide to take things in hand?

Yep, those soul-merchandising PR guys are clever, they know that no godly super-star is a match to the power of a plunging décolleté and a wink. Now that's an issue.

Nothing that a comprehensive ban of charms can't solve. After all, even the big wheels were not so sure if women had souls. But all recon that they have irresistible arguments.

Not anymore, a prohibition of charms is all it takes.

At this point all is set for a mass puritanism challenge, those with higher scores win the sweepstake.

However the accounting department must have expressed strong objections. A totally puritan business model is not sustainable beyond one generation. Not exactly what it takes to please the shareholders.

One could also assume that the miracle's department had it's saying to the workload of a large-scale deployment of the immaculate conception technique and required considerable budget extensions to hire purposely trained angels.

A crisis meeting was called and concluded that the most profitable case would imply a limited tolerance of procreation only sex and a total ban on recreational charnel contacts.

Shareholders were happy and all executives had a huge corporate party that lasts to this day...

How do I know it happened like that ?

Simple. Read the scriptures.

Good news, you don't have to fly to the Vatican (or the concurrence, 2'100 miles further south-east) central corporate offices, they are widely and immediately available on a few clicks.

The terms of use of your favorite social media. Your office or school dress-code. Or consult any politically correct PR agency.

Perpetrators will be burned.

Then you'll agree that only frustrated sadists and vicious profit-hungry corporations can enforce the universal ban of temptation.

After all, probably both.

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