
Friday, October 13, 2017

Why (most) women can't figure out and accept cross-dressers

Woman playing with paper cutouts of man figures.

The roots of women oppression

Females are the dominant representatives of our species. They hold the most complex part of the reproductive machinery.

A woman can easily bring to exhaustion numerous males in a rapid sequence while a male would face an extreme challenge to fully satisfy be it a single woman.

Duels, falling heads, smashed teeth, wars... Countless males have ended in emergency care units or early graves for the favors of a single woman.

Women have powers. Irresistible powers to seduce and govern driven by reproduction instincts men.
If man is the head, then woman is the neck. She can turn the head each way she wants...

Old Greek saying.
Religions operate on a crowdsourced business model. Their wealth depends on the power they exert over a large base of captive customers.

Despite their numerous advertisement attempts displaying goddesses and various god's mothers, religions have never succeeded to harness the power of seduction and attractiveness of women.
That's why they spend their time in preaching, convincing, coercing by means of hell scares and paradise rewards.

To attract and keep captive followers, religions, the oldest globalized corporative business known on earth, must invest considerable advertising efforts and budgets.
Something most women achieve in a heartbeat with the blink of an eye.

Women have the uttermost inherent power to captivate and steer males.
A potentially damaging for churches of all shapes and sizes right of way.

History has it that religions exhibit extreme cruelty in their quest of power.
Eliminating concurrence is a must in the common business model of faith merchandising.

That's how religions and churches of all shapes and sizes adopted a complete set of deeply and  fundamentally misogynic corporate policies.
Denigrating women, burning witches, locking them in convents and harems, stoning and other corporative practices ensued.

Strict rules of modesty were elaborated to oppress and hide all, considered evil, aspects of feminine charms.
As result women lastingly became an inferior, often despised, cast.
The male sex is more noble than the female, and for this reason he [Jesus] took human nature in the male sex.

(Summa Theologiae III:31:4 ad 1)

Charms prevailed, humanity still needs women to procreate.

Women can't understand why a male would wish to be feminized.

What can possibly urge a male to leave his privileged position in a society conditioned to woman inferiority ?

This is the number one of all question couple counsellors and head shrinks have to answer when alarmed spouses come to empty their bags of worries.

He's a man, a superior being, he could be elected as pope, CEO, play football and, all of a sudden he wants to leave all those goodies and wear a skimpy dress like us, traditionally considered feeble poor women ? Is he nuts or sorts ?

How can I terminate his fad for heels and makeup ?

Sadly most women will not mobilize enough resources to understand the difference between fad and irresistible urge.

Women have periods and hate it.

Right. According to churches of all shapes and sizes, women are so evil that god has punished them to have periods. This said, religions have already exhibited serious issues with human reproduction.

Sissies should know that bleeding every 24 or so days is a very intimate, often traumatic issue for genetic women. They can not understand why someone who's physiology is not subject to womanhood related annoyances would carve for feminization.

A steel strong you can't have the whole enchilada logic hides beneath lacy panties. You want the panties, you get the tampons that go with.

I would like to stress the criticality of this never openly addressed point. Women refuse that men choose whatever they're pleased with from womanhood and reject the inherently correlated burdens.

Remember this and decide accordingly in your plans to expose your sissyhood to your partner. It's a make or break deal. What follows could lead to a divorce with disastrous consequences.

Women give birth and rise kids

Birthing can be a very traumatizing experience. Labor, horrible sufferings, complications. All transmitted from generations to generations of ladies talks.

Unruly screaaming kid.
Raising kids, household hassles, sleepless nights. That's also part of womanhood.

No woman in her right mind would understand why her husband carves for femininity. For them, being a woman is a round the clock burden.

By systematically undermining the cardinal importance of the housewife's profession, feminists made things even worse. For them housewife's compare to the lowest living form reducing women to lobotomized zombie slaves.

From this point of view, a man willingly embracing womanliness appears as an improbable and impossible to explain freak.

Weaponized fashion

Seductive young woman asking for roadside help.
Face it. Glamour and charm are women's absolute weapons of mass seduction.

Women perceive fashion stores as arsenals stuffed with all possible kind of equipment and ammo for their defenses and planed campaigns. Every single thread, stitch, detail is of strategic value.

Ladies have long ago realized that men are totally defenseless against even the smallest flash of tactically exposed lace. Such attacks are, to the greatest despair of feminists, much more efficient than hitting men with axe handles.

A wound will heal, beer will wash down offensive words. While red lipstick, sheer blouses, purposely left visible bra straps, stocking tops, form fitting skirts are able to reduce men to drooling fools in a fraction of a second.

Women know the power of seduction and are absolutely not keen to share their weapons. Or realize that their husband knows much more tricks on stockings, suspenders and masters the art of keeping backseems straight.


Women also like elegance and beauty. Yes, on occasions they might go for hairy muscular dudes able to turn them upside down like pancakes without wasting time on small talk.

Yet intrinsically they also go for cuddling, sweet perfumes and above all understanding.

They will refuse guys in dresses but gladly accept a different type of best-friend, an ever available intuitive confident shoulder to lean on and protective arms to hug into.

Common passions for beauty, fashion tips talks, genuine interest in shopping tips, household help, loving and caring attentions are the essentials traits that women have to discover in cross-dressers.

Building confidence and mutual interest is essential. Cross-dressers are not just dudes-in-panties.

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