
Friday, April 13, 2018

Smoking fetishism, when mass hysteria imprints sexuality.

Blonde girl lighting cigarette
Somewhere in a treasure box I have a boarding pass. The last smoking flight of my lifetime. A very valuable possession that might as well fetch big bucks on an eventual upcoming fetish items auction.

A new full blown fetish is born in less than one generation of non-smoking hysteria. Yep. A full blown qualified mass hysteria indeed.

Are you old enough to remember when offering a light was one of the very basic moves, fundamental socially accepted pick-up line? How many families originated at the tip of a flame?

Back then no one, even the most hardened psychiatrist had ever heard of a smoking fetish. Nor could a visionary imagine the existence of this condition.

Difference is that today smoking fetishism is a fully established sexual trend with corresponding interweb presence and affected followers.

Mass interdiction of a banal practice initiated the achievement of a brand new fetishistic deviation, right here under our eyes.

Most fetishists are truly harmless easy to spot creatures. They have their life, dreams and fantasies and do not experience the urge to forcibly interact with involuntary participants.

However, to a small potentially highly dangerous fraction, the vision or perception of the fetish object could result in a overwhelming sexual drive with dramatic uncontrolled predatory consequences.

So Ladies, we are told that short skirts, cleavage, heels, form-fitting clothes, even materials or hair color can trigger negative experiences.

Time to add smoking to the list.

Think of it next time you'll light up one. Frustrated sexual predators might be watching.

What's are the fundamental reasons behind the reprobative protest remarks you might face when you smoke?

Plain powertrip or the tell-tale sign that there's a significantly darker taught cocktail in the making?

One more item on the watch-list: - Frustrated smoking fetishists.

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